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Leadership Training

Build confidence, find clarity, & lead authentically.

and that's just the beginning...

Facing leadership transitions can often feel like navigating uncharted waters.


Facing the leap into leadership? Our training, rooted in human-centered leadership, behavioral science, and strategic insight, guides you from uncertainty to mastery.


We'll navigate the complexities of commanding respect, fostering teamwork, and blending strategy with empathy.


By focusing on authentic connections and emotional intelligence, you'll not only meet your business goals but also cultivate a thriving, innovative team environment.

What Clients Are Saying...

"Kip's strength as a teacher/ mentor/ coach lies in his ability to identify, explain, and communicate core principles and easy-to-use tactics with language that empowers, inspires, and cuts to the root of the matter - in a world where time is typically spent hacking at the branches.
Kip is gifted with a unique combination of elder insight and childlike wonder. His work is defined by its high quality and sincerity. It's what elevates him from an impactful coach to an extraordinary mentor."

~ Liam Huntly

Motive Creative 


What's Included

  • 12 Week Program

  • Live group classes, 1-1.5 hours per topic one per week 

  • 45-minute initial assessment and goal-setting coaching call. 

  • Personal Coaching Calls, every 3 weeks 45-minute session is your chance to really get into the nitty-gritty of leadership. We’ll explore those pivotal moments and strategies that catalyze genuine growth. 

  • Weekly individual and cohort communication support via SLACK 3 days per week. ​

  • Unlimited access to member-only resources 

  • Advanced and VIP access to future training programs, workshops, and retreats.

The Heart of Leadership Program

This flagship program is a dynamic 12-week program is exactly what you need if you're aiming to be the kind of leader who earns not just respect and admiration from your team, but also fosters an environment where high achievers thrive. Grounded in our unique S and P's model, this program lays down the essential leadership groundwork for both your professional and personal life.

The Heart of Leadership Coaching Program

Part 1: Your Seat at the table.

Overview:  You’re showing up and ready to learn and connect with some brilliant minds and amazing humans.  This section is built to show you how to give and get the most out of the collective knowledge, wisdom and passion of everyone you are about to spend the next 12 weeks with. 

The Why: Having access to a treasure trove of wisdom, insights and passion, is useless if you don't know how to make the most of it.
The Work:  During this session, we will learn and leverage:


  • Networking 101: Learn effective networking and communication skills to maximize the benefits of peer and expert interactions.

  • Tools and Resources: Develop a deep understanding of the tools and resources available throughout the program for optimal utilization.

  • Connection: Build strong, supportive relationships with cohort members to enhance collaborative learning and shared experiences.

  • Wisdom: Master the art of leveraging collective wisdom, insights, and passion for personal and professional growth.

  • Strategies: Implement strategies for ongoing engagement and mutual support with your cohort, fostering a community of continuous learning and encouragement.

Real Life:  Everything you learn here isn't just for now; it's building a foundation you'll tap into repeatedly, not only for your benefit but also as a guide for integrating new team members in the future. Imagine kicking off with strong trust, tight bonds, and a sense of psychological safety right from the get-go.

Part 2: Know YourSelf

Overview: Deep Confidence, Authentic Influence, Heightened EQ, Empowered Communication, Vision.., All of it starts with Knowing YourSelf.  We’re not just talking about knowing your favorite color or snack. It’s about digging deep into what makes you tick. If you can’t captain your own ship, how're you gonna lead your crew, right? "Know Yourself" isn’t just advice; it’s the bedrock of our S and Ps model.

The Why: It’s all on you, my friend. How you ride the waves of challenges and successes sets the tone for your team’s journey. Mastery of self is your superpower.

The Work:  You will learn how to:


  • Self-Awareness Enhancement: Identify your core values and beliefs and understand how they shape your decision-making and leadership approach.

  • Emotional Intelligence Growth: Understand and manage your emotions, and recognize and influence the emotions of others.

  • Visionary Leadership Development: Develop a clear and compelling personal leadership vision that guides your actions and decisions.

  • Authentic Communication: Develop authentic communication styles that foster genuine connections with others.

  • Extreme Ownership: Embrace and utilize the concept of Extreme Ownership underscoring the profound impact that a leader's accountability has on their team's performance and morale.

Real Life:  These aren't just lessons; they’re your new life toolkit. Nail this, and you’re not just reaching for the stars—you’re bringing your team along for the ride.

Part 3: Know Your People

Overview: Ever tried to connect the dots without actually seeing the picture? That’s leading without truly knowing your people. We’re about to change that. For three weeks we will be diving into "Know Your People" and transform your team from a group of individuals to a dynamic powerhouse.

The Why: The secret sauce? It’s knowing your team like you do your friends and family. Custom-fit your leadership to tailor communications, motivations and inspire them to thrive and grow. Because that’s what leadership is actually about. 

The Work:  Together we will learn to:


  • Building Trust Foundations for deep Psychological Safety: Dive into the fundamentals of building trust within your team and explore the critical role of psychological safety in fostering a workplace where team members feel secure to express ideas, take risks, and innovate, leading to enhanced performance and creativity.

  • Identifying Individual and Team Strengths: Learn why this technique is so powerful along with techniques to uncover and appreciate the diverse talents of your team.

  •  Positive Reinforcement and Training Techniques: Explore the power of positive reinforcement in affirming and growing your team's strengths.

  • Effective Communication: Enhance your communication skills even further giving you the ability to connect deeply and empathetically with your team.

  • Understanding Team Dynamics: Grasp the complexities of how teams function and the importance of diversity in team success.

  • Fostering Inclusion and Diversity: Learn to create a work environment that values and leverages diverse perspectives.

  • Intro to Delegation: Explore the core principles of effective delegation to empower your team, by matching tasks with team members' strengths and growth opportunities, while fostering autonomy and accountability.

Real life: People are complicated, irrational, emotionally driven and unique. By learning how to Know Your People you'll lead teams that not only achieve their objectives but also contribute to a trusting, positive, inclusive, and dynamic workplace culture. 

Part 4: Know Your Purpose

Overview: Picture this—your leadership, infused with your core values, creating ripples of inspiration and purpose. "Know Your Purpose," the second "P" in our S and Ps model, is about that journey. It's about weaving your personal convictions into the fabric of your leadership, crafting a vision that's not only clear but also deeply felt by you and your team and aligns with the mission and vision of your company. Let's embark on this path, aligning your inner compass with your outer actions, and watch as you and your team soar towards shared aspirations.

The Why:  Hey, ever noticed how trying to push someone to do something is like herding cats? But catch onto what already sparks their fire, and boom, you're riding a wave instead of fighting the tide. This section isn't just about you finding your north star; it's about spotting and aligning the constellations of your team's purposes with the galaxy of your organization's vision. Dive deep, and let's navigate these waters together, turning individual flickers of purpose into a beacon that guides us all.

The Work:  We will learn and explore the concepts of:

  • Identification of Core Values: Learners will identify and articulate their core values, understanding how these values influence their leadership style and decision-making.

  • Vision Development: Participants will develop a clear and compelling leadership vision that aligns with their values and the organization's mission, enhancing their ability to inspire and lead effectively.

  • Alignment of Team Purposes: Equip leaders with strategies to align their team members' individual purposes with the organization's goals, fostering a cohesive and motivated team environment.

  • Inspirational Leadership: Teach leaders how to use their purpose as a tool for inspiration, motivating their teams through challenging times and driving towards shared successes.

  • Purpose-Driven Decision Making: Encourage decision-making that reflects the leader's purpose and values, ensuring actions and strategies are consistently aligned with the broader vision.

  • Cultivation of Organizational Culture: Guide leaders in shaping an organizational culture that reflects shared purposes and values, enhancing engagement, loyalty, and performance.

Real Life:  Remember, people march not to the beat of what you do, but why you do it. A strong sense of purpose is your beacon during storms and your anchor in success, guiding every decision and action to triumph over challenges and maintain balance in victories. 

Part 5: Know Your Path

Overview: Imagine this: we're diving into a treasure chest of leadership gems, from strategic planning and artful delegation to sharp decision-making and strength-focused growth. This journey, "Know Your Path," is the epic finale of our S and Ps saga, decking you out with the savvy to not just plan your course but to chart a legendary adventure for you and your people. It's about equipping you with the map, compass, and spyglass to navigate the high seas of leadership and organizational triumphs. Let's set sail towards greatness, shall we?

The Why:  It's the compass you didn't know you needed. This module shifts 'what ifs' into 'what's next,' tackling the core challenge of charting a clear path in leadership and decision-making.

The Work: 

  • Mastery of Strategic Planning: Learners will understand how to develop comprehensive strategic plans that align with organizational goals, enhancing their ability to steer their teams toward success.

  • Art of Delegation: Participants will learn the effective delegation of tasks, ensuring the right tasks are matched with the right people, maximizing efficiency and team capacity.

  • Enhanced Decision-Making Skills: Equip leaders with frameworks and tools to make informed, strategic decisions under pressure, improving overall leadership effectiveness.

  • Growth-Focused Leadership: Introduce strength-focused development strategies, enabling leaders to identify and amplify their team members' strengths for optimal performance and growth.

  • Navigational Skills for Leadership Challenges: Develop the capability to chart a course through complex leadership challenges, using strategic insights and tactical planning.

  • Empowered Team Building: Foster skills to build and lead dynamic teams that are well-equipped to meet and exceed organizational objectives.

  • Visionary Leadership: Guide leaders in developing a clear, compelling vision that inspires and motivates their teams towards shared goals.

Real life: “Knowing the Path” will provide you with the cheat codes that make navigating leadership's twisty paths and decision-making labyrinths a piece of cake. From here on, whether you're steering through stormy organizational changes or mapping out strategies for uncharted markets, you've got the know-how to plot a course to success. This toolkit doesn't just prepare you for professional challenges; it equips you for life's big adventures, turning 'maybe someday' dreams into 'starting now' realities.

Part 6: Reflective Practice & Continuous Improvement

Overview: Embark on a reflective journey to solidify your leadership growth and set the stage for ongoing improvement. Module 12 encourages you to look inward and forward, utilizing tools like reflective journaling and peer feedback to assess your progress and set future goals.

Why: It's the secret sauce to not just nailing leadership today but also evolving tomorrow. Imagine having a personal roadmap that constantly evolves with you, that's what this module offers.:

The Work:

  •  Craft Your Leadership Map: You'll sketch out your own leadership journey, pinpointing where you've shined and where you've stumbled. It's like drawing your own treasure map, where X marks the spot of your growth moments.

  • Master the Art of Reflective Journaling: Get ready to dive deep into your own thoughts and experiences, turning introspection into your superpower. It's like having a chat with yourself, but you're both the wise mentor and an eager student.

  • Peer Feedback Fiesta: Engage in a lively exchange of feedback with your peers. It's a chance to see yourself through others' eyes, adding a whole new layer to your self-awareness kaleidoscope.

  • Set Goals with Gusto: You'll craft goals that are not just targets but launchpads for your next big leap. This is about setting your sights on the horizon and plotting the course to get there, step by step.

  • Embrace Continuous Evolution: Learn to love the journey of constant growth, where every day is an opportunity to tweak, refine, and improve. It's like being the captain of a ship that's always ready for new adventures.

Real life: Imagine having a leadership GPS that updates in real-time, guiding not just your moves today but also how you grow tomorrow. You'll chart your growth, swap tales and tips with peers, and set targets that make your next chapter as thrilling as a space launch. This isn't just about leadership; it's about crafting a legacy of continuous self-renewal and expansion. Ready to be the leader who's always levelling up?

Each module is designed to build on the previous, creating a comprehensive leadership development experience that addresses every aspect of effective leadership, from self-awareness to empowering others and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

What Clients Are Saying...

"The heart of Leadership coaching program is a game-changer, teaching you that the heart of success lies in building a world-class environment for your team. He equips you with essential tools and insights to foster this thriving atmosphere within your own team. A truly transformative experience!"

~ Wei Chong




  $ 4,400
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